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Thumbnails 7/26/2013

All the movies Stanley Kubrick was known to have liked; the 25 most exciting young female filmmakers in cinema today; Skyler White is not a bitch; why Spike Lee doesn't need Kickstarter; reporter's account of watching her elderly parents getting…


Thumbnails 7/24/2013

What it means to craft "personal" writing; Steven Soderbergh pledges $10,000 to Spike Lee's Kickstarter film; inside the Malick lawsuit; revisiting "There Will Be Blood."


"That's not a plot hole. Allow me to explain."

You see it happen more and more often these days: a movie pauses to address a potential plot hole, then explains it away with clunky dialogue or ignores it and moves on. The movies are trying to plug leaks in…


Thumbnails 7/23/13

Remembering Dennis Farina; why Nate Silver doesn't do the Oscars well; eulogizing Detroit; deeper into Troma.


Thumbnails 7/22/13

"The Godfather" as reimagined by J.J. Abrams; two USC grads who represent the future of filmmaking; a site is charged under an obscure Canadian anti–comic book law; advice for future visionary filmmakers; how "Sex and the City" lost its rep.


Thumbnails 7/19/2013

Emmy nominations and reactions; 10 best shows never nominated for a best series Emmy; the screenwriting book that's made every movie feel the same; sexual harassment at ComicCon; remembering The Golden Child, if only to prove that one can; Netflix…