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Thumbnails 6/21/2013

The four basic aspects of being a bro; the rarely-seen sic-fi film High Treason, seen in Chicago; that darned Sopranos, with its infuriating cut-to-black ending; why internships don't lead anywhere; Mad Men sells sunny products, despairing drama.


Jerk cinema: or, Whatever Happened to Charm?

Craig D. Lindsey is on the warpath against jerk cinema, in which arrogant heroes trample all over everybody and the film celebrates them as righteously awesome. Whatever happened to charm?


Thumbnails 6/19/2013

Suicide glamour and magazine-shaming; how American textbooks dumb down Vietnam; remembering the late investigative journalist Michael Hastings; why sex on the first date is not an inherently bad thing; the American vs. the French way of making movies; Love and…


Thumbnails 6/17/2013

Asymmetrical journalism and the Rob Ford crack tape; Sofia Coppola's The Bling Ring presents life as "an endless selfie"; James Lipton was once a pimp, apparently; Egypt solves the problem of how to censor "salacious" content by airing a sitcom…