Roger Ebert Home



Thumbnails 7/6/2013

The New York Times' David Carr admits that Glenn Greenwald is a journalist; Criterion Collection appreciates Alex Cox's Repo Man; poets go to the movies; James Franco's never-ending navel-gaze; David Edelstein dismantles The Way, Way Back; Kerry Washington on the…


thumbnails 7/5/2013

Frank Serpico's new crusade; the summer that blockbuster violence got out-of-control; a defense of Paula Deen; Futurama signs off; what not to say to a feminist female humorist; Gaby Giffords shoots again.


This is Steve Coogan

Steve Coogan has a talent for self-laceration. His best roles are all about him, or rather a reflection of himself that he finds funny, in a pathetic sort of way.


Thumbnails 7/3/2013

Why whales are beaching themselves; The Lone Ranger was black; Matt Singer out, Sam Adams in at CriticWire; when is Jia Zhangke going to tell us what he really thinks?; Sweet November, from 1968.


Thumbnails 7/2/2013

Why copyright law is a "total train wreck" on the Internet right now; 10 Westerns that are NOT racist toward Native Americans; the day the Lone Ranger lost his mask; Pixar's not losing it, people.