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"Transcendence" is a serious science fiction movie filled with big ideas and powerful images, but it never quite coheres, and the end is a copout.


Under the Skin

Is "Under the Skin," in which Scarlett Johansson plays a mysterious creature luring men into a fatal mating dance, a brilliant science fiction movie? Or is it a pretentious gloss on a very old story about men's fear of women, and women's discomfort with their own allure?



Darren Aronofsky's "Noah" is a modern blockbuster, full of the visual and aural and narrative tics and cliches we expect from modern blockbusters, but at the same time it's ferociously and sometimes strangely original: a work of fervor, as grandiose and obsessive as its Biblical hero.


It Felt Like Love

This snapshot of modern teen mating rituals is loaded with heartfelt and keenly observed pessimism, which is conveyed in super-tight closeups, roving camerawork and restrictive framing that convey the limits of the characters' world and worldview.


Jodorowsky's Dune

"Jodorowsky's Dune" is an account of a film that was never made, despite all the love that its makers poured into it, and yet it's surprisingly warm and inspirational.