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War of the Arrows: Deadly targets

"War of the Arrows" is currently available on Netflix Instant, Vudu, iTunes and Blu-ray/DVD. By Jana J. Monji A sudden crush of movies is bringing the sport of archery back into the limelight, and the timing couldn't be better for…


Cinema O'Paradiso: Stella Days and Hollywood nights

"Stella Days" (87 minutes) available via iTunes, VuDu, Amazon Instant Video and most other VOD providers (check your local listings). It is also playing in limited theatrical release. by Jeff Shannon It seems somehow belittling to pigeon-hole the ever-so-Irish "Stella…


The City Dark: Turn out the lights

Do you love the nightlife? During hot summers, evening comes like a cool blessing with a promise of good company. But just what do we mean by the night life? Usually we aren't talking about dark streets and even the…


Walk Away Renee: You're not to blame

"Walk Away Renee" is available on SundanceNow's new Subscriber Video-on-Demand Program Doc Club from June 27, 2012. When you were young didn't you think your parents were crazy? Did you swear you wouldn't turn out like them? For filmmaker Jonathan…


Extraterrestrial: Sex, lies and science-fiction

"Extraterrestrial" (90 minutes) premieres simultaneously on June 15th on DVD and all major on-demand platforms. It also opens June 15th in limited theatrical release. If you've seen the 2007 thriller "Timecrimes," you already know that Spanish writer-director Nacho Vigalondo has…


Indie Game: Super Meat Boy vs. Fez

"Indie Game: The Movie" (103 minutes) is available on iTunes on Demand, VHX Direct Download, Steam and directly from the filmmakers. A debate that occasionally rages over at Roger Ebert's Journal deals with whether video games can be considered art.…