A well-rounded individual whose interests include movies, cinema and film, Chicagoan Lisa Nesselson has been writing and broadcasting from Paris for over 25 years, including 17 years with "Variety."
As in-house film critic for France's answer to CNN she gets to hold forth every week on France24. Lisa reviews for SCREEN INTERNATIONAL and is a panelist on French national radio station France-Culture's arts program "La Dispute." In a shameless ploy to pad her resumé, be it known that she (somehow) completed the annual invitational Run-Up the Empire State Building from 1983-1987. She has translated biographies of Clint Eastwood, Simone de Beauvoir and Henri Langlois from French into English. This and a Metro ticket will get her on the Metro.
Lisa reviews for SCREEN INTERNATIONAL and is a panelist on French national radio station France-Culture's arts program "La Dispute." In a shameless ploy to pad her resumé, be it known that she (somehow) completed the annual invitational Run-Up the Empire State Building from 1983-1987. She has translated biographies of Clint Eastwood, Simone de Beauvoir and Henri Langlois from French into English. This and a Metro ticket will get her on the Metro.