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Bachelorette: Invasion of the b-face girls

"Bachelorette" opens in theaters September 7, and is available on demand via iTunes,, and Google Play. By Jana Regan Monji In this reality-TV ruled world, the word bachelorette seems firmly attached to the legacy of Trista Rehn and…


Serbian porno gang takes show on the road

"The Life and Death of a Porno Gang" is available on DVD and Blu-ray from Synapse films. Cinema, that traditionally aristocratic medium, has always found unlikely ways to commiserate with the working man and the poor. In America, King Vidor's…


Larry Sanders: The show behind the show

August, 2012, marks the 20th anniversary of the debut of "The Larry Sanders Show," episodes of which are available on Netflix Instant, Amazon Instant, iTunes, and DVD. This is Part 2 of Edward Copeland's extensive tribute to the show, including…


With Great Power: Stan Lee, superhero

"With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story" is available on-demand at,, iTunes, and Stan Lee will be attending a special screening of "With Great Power" at the Stan Lee Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles on September…


There's Something About Cherry

"About Cherry" (102 minutes) is available now on demand at IFC, iTunes, Amazon Instant and SundanceNow. Opens theatrically September 21, 2012 in New York. After reading the synopsis for "About Cherry," I figured I had it pegged. Here's a movie…


The Ten Best Larry Sanders episodes

August 15 marks the 20th anniversary of the debut of "The Larry Sanders Show," episodes of which are available on Netflix Instant, Amazon Instant, iTunes, and DVD. This is the first part of Edward Copeland's extensive tribute to the show,…


Hara-Kiri: Of courage, compassion & cowardice

In Takashi Miike's "Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai," power and tradition crush good people, just as they did in Masaki Kobayashi's 1962 version. Both films are expressions of social rebellion, but where Kobayashi's conveyed a spirit of righteous vengeance that…


War of the Arrows: Deadly targets

"War of the Arrows" is currently available on Netflix Instant, Vudu, iTunes and Blu-ray/DVD. By Jana J. Monji A sudden crush of movies is bringing the sport of archery back into the limelight, and the timing couldn't be better for…


Cinema O'Paradiso: Stella Days and Hollywood nights

"Stella Days" (87 minutes) available via iTunes, VuDu, Amazon Instant Video and most other VOD providers (check your local listings). It is also playing in limited theatrical release. by Jeff Shannon It seems somehow belittling to pigeon-hole the ever-so-Irish "Stella…