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Unforgiven: The Discreet Bunch

Examine this image: "The Wild Bunch"... or "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie"? There's a movie moment for nearly every occasion in life. Take this one from Harold Meyerson -- arguing against impeachment (of Bush and Cheney, anyway) in a…


The Stepford Critics?

View image It takes a Village of Damned Critics. Are there more where he came from? Are movie critics too much alike? Not just in their opinions, but in their very approach to movies, or their writing styles? In March,…


The 100 Greatest Directors of... what?

View image Number 74. I was not familiar with, until I spotted a link over at Movie City News. Thanks a lot, guys. The link was to a pair of articles listing Total Film's choices for "The Greatest Directors…

Movie Answer Man

The 6th Man: A Corleone Mystery

Q. In the Answer Man for Aug. 17, Phil Giordano asks about a Sixth Man in “The Godfather” who is never identified when the Corleones plan the execution of a police captain. The person he is wondering about is Rocco…


The secret ingredients of a hit movie

View image What's a movie all about? If moviemaking were a science, then it would be a science. But guess what? Quite often elements that have nothing to do with the movie itself -- timing, release pattern, marketing, advertising --…


The Bourne Upchuck

View image Does this movie make you dizzy? Continuing our discussion about the nauseating properties of hand-held, quick-cut, whip-pan, rack-focus camerawork, David Bordwell sends along this account of an unlucky filmgoer who saw "The Bourne Ultimatum" in IMAX: We went…