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Helicopter crashes in our house!

I gave my grandson Taylor a remote-controlled helicopter for Christmas. Recalling the pathetic battery-controlled toy cars of my youth, I was impressed by this sleek and impressive little machine. It really flies. It climbed to the top of a three-story…


"La Vie en Rose"

Today's Facebook mystery guest is Marion Cotillard, who won an Oscar for playing Edith Piaf. Edith Piaf - La Vie En Rose by bigproblem11


Gatsby in Scott Fitzgerald's handwriting

The last page of The Great Gatsby contains some of the best writing in American literature. Here it is in Scott Fitzgerald's handwriting I first heard Bill Nack recite these words 40 years ago, over our coffee one morning at…


"Injun Summer," by John T. McCutcheon

For decades, John T, McCutcheon's "Injun Summer" appeared every autumn on the front page of the Chicago Tribune, and was reprinted around the country. It has disappeared in recent years, a victim of political correctness. Click to expand.