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Jonathan is three and loves great music

I posted the Beethoven video not long ago and it inspired enthusiastic comments, many of them coming down to: Who is this kid? Under another video online I found a comment, possibly by his mother, saying Jonathan started trying to…


Attack of the Second-Rate Monsters

What a poignant fate, to terrorize the globe and yet be forgotten. But we must reserve our sympathy for the terrified humans fleeing in the foreground. Found at Cover Browser, which claims to have 450,000 covers. All my TwitterPages are…


The Black Mask Boys

This must be the only photograph of most of the great hard-boiled crime writers who wrote for Black Mask magazine in the 1930s. In the back row, from left to right, are Raymond J. Moffatt, Raymond Chandler, Herbert Stinson, Dwight…


Marilyn Monroe's dressing recipe

In her own handwriting: Internet Scout: Larry J. Kolb, ex-CIA. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = ""; a2a_config.num_services = 8;


I love it when I'm quoted correctly

That's from the box cover of a bootleg DVD. Here are 23 more hilarious examples from I Heart Chaos. Thanks to Andy Ihnatko for the link. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = "";…


Jason Reitman in conversation

Jason Reitman is not only a gifted director, but a forthright and thoughtful one. After three features ("Thank You for Smoking," "Juno" and "Up in the Air"), he has achieved, at the age of 34, firm standing on the A…


"As Penny Chenery's youngest son..."

I received this comment on my blog entry about "Secretariat" the movie, Secretariat the horse and the discussion about Andrew O'Hehir's review of the film at It appears under the blog, as do comments by O'Hehir and Bill Nack,…