Roger Ebert Home



Do Creationists make good science students?

A letter from a longtime participant on my blog, Dave Van Dyke (left above), who has written a Ph.D. dissertation on the effect Creationist beliefs have upon the learning success of high school science students: One of my favorite childhood…


West Virginia 8th grade test in 1931

To take the test, open this file: tests.pdf Some 200 of my TwitterPages are linked at the right. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = ""; a2a_config.num_services = 8;


Do I dare to eat a peach?

This would have made the cover of the Weekly World News. My theory: He saw this movie when he was younger and it traumatized him. Some 200 of my TwitterPages are linked at the right. var a2a_config = a2a_config ||…


I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

My 1986 interview with Willie, happiness is being on the road again. Some 200 of my TwitterPages are linked at the right. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = ""; a2a_config.num_services = 8;


Wikileaks the Movie: the Social Leak

&nbsp Some 200 of my TwitterPages are linked at the right. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = ""; a2a_config.num_services = 8;


Happiness is being on the road again

By Roger Ebert November 16, 1986 Most people who are on the road all the time seem to be running from something. Willie Nelson seems to be looking for it. One of his best friends says Willie can't be happy…