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The birthday of the cinema

My reader Tim O'Neill reminds me: "Today, December 28, marks the 115th Anniversary of the birth of cinema. The Lumiere Brothers presented the first public screening of motion pictures at the Salon Indien du Grand Cafe in Paris. This was…


The "Potemkin" restoration

"Battleship Potemkim," one of the basic masterpieces, has never before approached this clarity. When Kino says "frame by frame" that's literally what they mean. This is detailed close work. My Great Movies review. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname…


We need Punk Vaudeville. Jarmean?

"Jarmean" is a British pronunciation of "Jar know whad I mean?" From the Rock and Roll Report web site: Britain's "Jarmean?" snub albums, embrace absinthe and will choose the ukulele over a guitar any day!. Widgets var a2a_config =…


The God Gene. A breakthrough

. My NetPages are linked at the right. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname = "Roger Ebert's Journal"; a2a_config.linkurl = ""; a2a_config.num_services = 8; Widgets