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Oscar-worthy B-rated trailers

Marie writes: In the wake of the 84th Academy Awards, I couldn't help but reflect upon all the films that have been deemed unworthy of recognition over the years, and with a measure of empathy - especially for the really…


Remembering Bukowski

Charles Bukowski died on his day in 1994. His voice is open and fearless, romantic, honest. He probably has a whole generation of writers getting drunk and wondering why they can't write like that. ¶ ¶ In Big Ed's during…


The delightful Mr. Pepys

Realizing I would never read his great book, I got the audiobook and entered the world of the charming Mr. Pepys. Ambitious, lustful, a gossip, well-connected, he witnessed the Great London Fire, the Black Plague and Shakespeare's plays at court,…


The Kennel Murder Case

The Ebert Club invites you to enjoy "The Kennel Murder Case" (1933) streaming free. And please join the Club to explore an eclectic assortment of discoveries. Your subscription helps support the Newsletter, the Far-Flung Correspondents and the On-Demanders on my…


Siskel & Ebert fight over a toy train

I've never forgotten this show, but feared it was lost forever. Now it's turned up on YouTube. How well I remember the day we taped this special! I couldn't get anything to work. Maybe this is historical evidence of why…