Marie writes: In the wake of the 84th Academy Awards, I couldn’t help but reflect upon all the films that have been deemed unworthy of recognition over the years, and with a measure of empathy – especially for the really bad ones – as even those filming a piece of unwatchable crap secretly dream of winning an Oscar for it. Indeed; many a bottle of cheap shampoo has undoubtedly been raised and tearfully clutched before a bathroom mirror, whilst in a drug-induced fantasy of receiving one amidst the deafening roar of applause.And so on behalf of delusional dreamers everywhere, the Ebert Club would like to present the following nominees for BEST b-rated trailer! The winner will be determined by reader votes and announced on Wed 14, 2012; so vote early, vote often and don’t be afraid to change your mind at the last minute. And to explore an even more eclectic assortment of discoveries, please join the Ebert Club. Your subscription helps support the Newsletter, the Far-Flung Correspondents and the On-Demanders on Roger’s site.
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The Ebert Club: A weekly newsletter of discoveries, news, trailers, free streamers and eccentric miscellany, celebrating its 105th edition! Join the Club here. A member’s link allows you to browse previous issues.