Why don’t more directors do this — congratulate their fellow filmmakers on their favorite achievements? We know that movie-mad Quentin Tarantino loves movie lists as much as anybody. Last week he gave the Hollwywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog his list of the best films of 2009 (not including “Inglourious Basterds“) — and he seems pretty serious about it. He admits he hasn’t seen some of the possible contenders (“Avatar,” “The Lovely Bones,” “Invictus“) and feels there are a few more he’d like to see again before he firms up the list (“Bright Star,” “District 9“). I know how he feels: I just caught up with “Bright Star,” “Still Walking” and “Anvil! The Story of Anvil” this weekend, got second viewings of a couple others (“Liverpool,” “35 Shots of Rum“)… and I’m still playing catch-up.
Watch the video above for QT’s presentation of his Top 8 (so far), or see the list below…
1. “Star Trek“
2. “Drag Me to Hell“
3. “Funny People“
4. “Up in the Air“
5. “Chocolate”
6. “Observe and Report”
7. “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire“
8. “An Education“