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The filmmaker: Wayne Kramer on critics & criticism

Paul Walker is scared. And he's running. Wayne Kramer, the director of "The Cooler" and "Running Scared," took the negative reviews of his last picture pretty hard. They weren't all negative, though. Roger Ebert gave "Running Scared" three stars and…

Roger Ebert

Cadet life not so entertaining

I'm an Air Force Academy cadet, and I just wanted to make sure you know that you're right [in your review of "Annapolis"], cadets having relationships with officers is really not a good thing. It's called fraternization, and it's against…

Roger Ebert

Once more into the valley

"Beyond the Valley of the Dolls," a movie for which Roger Ebert wrote the screenplay in 1969, is being released Tuesday, June 12 on DVD. The two-disc special edition includes a commentary track by Ebert, other commentaries by the actors…


All trails lead to 'The Searchers'

Ethan Edwards, John Wayne and the ghost of Harry Carey. I had a favorite lit professor in college, Larry Frank, who said that all of literature could be seen through the looking glass of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." He made…

Movie Answer Man

An 'Inconvenient' statement

Dear Readers,I've received so many messages about my review of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" that, frankly, I don't see how the Answer Man can process them. I could print a dozen or a hundred, but that would lead us…


Snakes on a ... zzzzzzz

It's about snakes. On a plane, bitch! For many months we've been hearing about the "brilliant" high-concept of "Snakes on a Plane." Hey, the whole premise is right there in the title! I guess after "Die Hard on a Plane"…