
Set your timers — it’ll be a blast!

OK, I know the Opening Shots Pop Quiz is difficult — mainly because, even though many of the movies are famous (or by famous directors), they’re very personal favorites of mine that most people wouldn’t necessarily think of right off the bat.

So, I thought I’d do another one that didn’t require so much detective work. It’s also a kind of companion to my 101 102 Movies You Must See Before You Die list, in that these are 10 11 of the most celebrated films, and most famous opening shots, ever (plus one relatively obscure one by a favorite director of mine who also has a shot on the OS Pop Quiz — a little extra hint. Another clue about that one [BONUS #2] here).

So, not only should you have seen all these movies (and you probably have), I hope you won’t have too much difficulty remembering these classic opening shots, and why they’re great. Feel free to send in your answers via the e-mail link above — along with your comments. I’ll publish the first correct answer, and any of the interesting comments you have about the shots themselves. Just click the link below and start the clock ticking…












BONUS #1: All-time classic movie, great opening shot.


BONUS #2: Great modern director, terrific movie, but not all that widely seen. I just love it beyond all reason.

UPDATE (6/30/06): Answers here.

Jim Emerson

Jim Emerson is the founding editor of RogerEbert.com and has written lots of things in lots of places over lots of years. Mostly involving movies.

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