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Play Scoobie-Doobie-Doo for Me

BIG SUR, CA -- The Dirty Harry style, Clint Eastwood was explaining, is simplicity itself: "You start with this ultimate fantasy character, this guy who's always fighting the establishment, who isn't interested in the intricacies of society, who tells his…


Hanging out with Wilder and Pryor

"What happened was, I was reading about Buster Keaton," Gene Wilder said. "About how he did all his own stunts. Like the time he had to stand in exactly the right place for the two-ton building to fall on him…


Playing Freud is Elementary to Alan Arkin

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Breakfast at the Beverly Wiltshire. The waitresses in their frills and bodices like Swiss maids. Waiting to talk with Alan Arkin, I drink coffee and read the Los Angeles Times. Convicted killer Gary Gilmore has broken…


Stallone: Now He's a New, Dynamic Star

Sylvester Stallone sits on a hotel sofa with his feet up on the coffee table. He wears expensive blue jeans, the kind you buy in Beverly Hills. His muscles bulge beneath a T-shirt that says, simply and inexplicably, "Valentine." He…


Richard Brooks: Looking for Mr. Goodscene

Richard Brooks hunched his shoulders against a cold State Street wind and peered past the Christmas windows at Marshall Field's."Willya look at that," he said, wonderingly. "Howya gonna tell 'em?"There was a Salvation Army bucket in the middle of the…


Jeanne Moreau as star and as director

This is ridiculous, I told myself. You've interviewed Ingmar Bergman. Robert Mitchum. John Wayne. You got through those okay. Why should you be scared of Jeanne Moreau? Simply because she's the greatest movie actress of the last 20 years? Simply…