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Roger Ebert

Indie Spirit Awards pitch a big tent

SANTA MONICA, Ca. - On the eve of the Academy Awards, the Independent Spirits Awards sometimes provide advance clues to Oscar winners. But Saturday's indiefest under the big tent on the beach at Santa Monica spread the awards so evenly…

Roger Ebert

Is it a good doc or merely a mock?

I am persuaded that the documentary “Unknown White Male” is either (a) factual and authentic, or (b) the most convincing mockumentary ever made. In a recent story I cited rumors and questions about the film, which opens Friday in some…

Roger Ebert

Is this documentary a fake?

On July 3, 2003, a man named Doug Bruce found himself on a subway train in Coney Island with no idea of who he was or how he got there. After several days, authorities were able to establish that he…