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Roger Ebert

'Crash' owes a debt to Dickens

I was reading Charles Dickens the other day, and realized in a different way why "Crash" is such a good and useful film. Dickens is the best storyteller in the history of the novel, and although I've read him pretty…

Movie Answer Man


Q. I'm amazed at how the movie theater experience degrades every year, yet the movie industry has resisted all feedback from moviegoers on how to improve it, apparently preferring to sue large groups of them instead. After being expected to…

Movie Answer Man

On naval-gazing detail

Q. I noticed in your review of "Annapolis" some errors and maybe a misperception of what the Naval Academy is about. Tyrese Gibson plays Midshipman Lieutenant Cole; he is not a "drill sergeant" and is not "on loan to the…

Roger Ebert

A Midshipman dismisses 'Annapolis'

As an avid reader of your internet column and a Naval Academy Midshipman, I thought it necessary for me to respond to your experience of "Annapolis," a movie that I might find more pertinent and tangible. As a Brigade, we…

Roger Ebert

'Crash': I got chills

I got chills when I read Tracy Flood of Garland Texas's letter. The thought that a movie could really make people of all colors examine their own prejudices and actions is amazing. When I watched "Crash", I knew it had…

Roger Ebert

Hurt's so good!

I was thrilled this morning to see William Hurt on the Oscar nomination list. Your review of his work in "A History of Violence" was one of the reasons I went to see it. When you said he “sounded notes…

Roger Ebert

'Annapolis' is a fantasy

I visited Annapolis in 1998, when I was attending the Naval Academy Prep School. You are aboslutely right, the Annapolis of this movie exists only in the director's imagination. From reading your review, it seems like they can't get the…