Roger Ebert Home



Opening Shots: 'La Femme Infidel'

View image A fairy-tale home in a wooded setting. Two women sit an an outdoor table in the shade of some tall trees. The camera glides across the lawn silently (we can't hear what they're saying, just barely audible laughter)…


Lunch With David

Hot Blogger and Hot Button colunist David Poland has posted his third, breezy "Lunch With David" vlog over at iKlipz and I think it's the funniest one yet. This week's topic: Secrets in Hollywood -- who tells 'em and whether…


Touché, Dupree!

Owen Wilson has released a statement responding to the claim by members of Steely Dan that "You, Me and Dupree" was a rip-off of their song "Cousin Dupree.": "I have never heard the song 'Cousin Dupree' and I don't even…


All apologies (and new reviews)

I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like recently (and I've got some real juicy Opening Shots waiting) because I've been so busy doing reviews for the Chicago Sun-Times and, to help pick up some of…

Roger Ebert

The Mann and his movies

Michael Mann is one of those select American directors who has become a brand name -- not by marketing himself, but by making movies so distinctive and with such visual fluency that they are immediately identifiable as Michael Mann films.…


Are YOU Kevin Smith's friend?

View image: From The Onion New York Magazine reports on "How Kevin Smith Reinvented Movie Marketing." By manufacturing a dust-up with a TV movie critic just before the opening of his film and getting lots of free publicity? Sure. But…


Tex Avery: Escape from Alka-Fizz

"Boo." Dennis at Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule has posted his favorite Tex Avery cartoon, "Rock-a-Bye Bear," in response to posts by Peet Gelderblom and That Little Round-Headed Boy, who remarked that this exchange has turned into a…


Me & Mr. Colbert

Mr. C & me. Hooray, for America! On Monday's "The Colbert Report," M. Night Shyamalan made #2 on the "ThreatDown," thanks to my diligent review of "Lady in the Water." I wrote: The key to deciphering M. Night Shyamalan's fractured…


Chasing the image: Barred

View image: "Vertigo": The bar View image: "Vertigo": The hand. View image: "Munich": The bar(s). View image: "Munich": The hand. Both movies begin with a close-up of metal barrier at night. A hand grabs it, and a man pulls himself…