It’s a jolly horrorshow with Mary.
Just a reminder that I’m hosting the Contrarianism Blog-a-Thon next weekend, Feb. 16 -18. Got some contrarian thoughts you’d like to share? A film theory that goes against the grain? A despised movie that, upon reevaluation, deserves respect and admiration? A “masterpiece” that only you recognize as disingenuous hack work that is bad for children and other living things? We’re here to listen, and to learn. Please let us know about it. Send me your links at the e-mail address above when the time comes…
Meanwhile, in anticipation of the Contrarianism Blog-a-Thon, Dennis Cozzalio at Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule has posted a, um, “depreciation” of Julie Andrews’ Mary Poppins. Just a spoonful of castor oil to help the sugar go down…