
I enjoyed our “Contrarian Week” discussions so much (even made it its own category!) that I wanted to open it up even more and ask my fellow movie bloggers to discuss any and all aspects of contrarianism on their blogs (and send me a link!) for a “Contrarian Blog-a-Thon,” the weekend of February 16-18, 2007 — a full month from today. That’s the weekend before the Oscars, so things should be pretty dull around then (and if you’re not sick of Oscar speculation by then, you never will be). Please help me spread the word.

Most of us like to inveigh against the conventional wisdom from time to time. What do you think makes for a good contrarian argument — or a bad one? Make your own contrarian argument for/against a movie or a specific moment in a movie or a filmmaker’s work or a whole genre if you want to. Just make sure you build a real argument (with examples!) rather than a crackpotty ad hominem attack.

I’m excited to see what you come up with. Please feel free to drop me a line (address in nav bar above) to let me know if you’re “in.” Muchas gracias!

Jim Emerson

Jim Emerson is the founding editor of and has written lots of things in lots of places over lots of years. Mostly involving movies.

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