“Question: how many manufactured objects did you touch this morning, between waking up and leaving your house?”
— from the “Objectified” website
Might be easier to estimate how many non-manufactured (organic and otherwise) you made contact with. From Gary Hustwit, the director of “Helvetica,” one of my favorite films of 2007, comes the most anticipated movie of the year. For me, anyway. Spring, 2009: “Objectified.” From the official site:
About the trailer: the voices belong to Jonathan Ive, Andrew Blauvelt, Marc Newson, and Karim Rashid. The song is “I Like Van Halen Because My Sister Says They Are Cool” by our friends El Ten Eleven, from their new record “These Promises Are Being Videotaped.” And the font used in the trailer is… Akzidenz Grotesk!
That would be the lead designer of the iPod and other Apple machines, the head of the Design Studio at the Walker Art Museum, the designer of Ikepod watches, and the industrial designer Time called “the poet of plastic.” It’s a movie about… design — “our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them.” El Ten Eleven did the music for “Helvetica,” too. And Akzidenz Grotesk is, of course, a close progenitor of Neue Haas Grotesk.
Great poster, too. As you would demand from a film about design. Click below… and find the title.
(tip: MCN)