Just in time for John Hyams’ pulse-pounding “Alone” (one of the best genre films of the year, set for release in October), let’s take a look at the film that put stalwart Hyams on the map. The great director seems possessed of a single idea: redefine American cinema, and he’s been achieving his goal one bloody fist at a time. His cinema is a spare and elegant nightmare world; even his comedies draw blood. “Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning” made him a few enemies and a lot of friends back when it was released to both enthusiasm and silence back in 2012. It’s a film that’s only grown more relevant and haunting in the eight years since. 

To watch the rest of Scout Tafoya’s Unloved video essays, click here.

Scout Tafoya

Scout Tafoya is a critic and filmmaker who writes for and edits the arts blog Apocalypse Now and directs both feature length and short films.

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