Earlier this summer, we invited you to finish a science fiction story Roger was toying with when he passed away. We got dozens of submissions, from light-hearted set-ups for puns Roger would have loved to more serious explorations of the kinds of themes that drew Roger to science fiction in the first place.
We’ve been enjoying the amazing creative efforts, and we thought it was time to start giving you a chance to enjoy them, too. We passed along the entries to our pal Krishna Bala Shenoi, whose wonderful artwork brought Roger’s beginning of the story to life. He’s been reading them and creating illustrations as the muse strikes.
So, just to whet your appetite, here are four endings to Roger’s story from Ariel Gonzalez, Kimberly Ikemori, Davin K. Kubota, and Paul Marasa. Enjoy! We certainly did. We’ll be posting more of the endings soon.