In honor of today being Pi Day (3/14/15), we are linking an article originally published by Chaz Ebert in September 2013 entitled, “On the Subject of Movies and Pies: Passion of the Crust.” Below is Chaz’s intro, followed by a link to the full article. We’d love for you to share your own recommendations of tasty pie-related movies as well.

“I love the camaraderie between our Contributors here at, and their completely unscripted exchanges can be fascinating. Someone may introduce an unexpected topic and the others riff on it until it becomes quite comical or maybe even illustrative. You can even learn about baking a pie. I just came back from the Toronto International Film Festival where Jason Reitman’s film, “Labor Day,” had an extensive and erotic pie-making sequence. And I must add, as a former pie maker myself, it contained very good tips about how to make homemade crust. 

Far Flung Correspondent and chief baker Jana Monji started the subject about pie-making and asked others to chip in about movies where pies played an important role. Our Correspondent from Istanbul, Ali Arikan, suggested that she call her project “Passion of the Crust.” Our Paris Correspondent, Lisa Nesselson, followed the thread by suggesting all the recipes should be in Aramaic, and soon they were off to the movies. Others jumped in and here is their conversation, which took place over several short emails…”

Click here for the full article.

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