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Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (03/12/2000)

Q. Here's an idea for the Oscar show presentation of "Blame Canada" that I only hope the Zanucks will attempt to realize. It could be the best "song" number since Isaac Hayes performed "Shaft!" It should begin with a solo…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (02/27/2000)

Q. Several of the best-reviewed documentaries of 1999, including "American Movie" and "Mr. Death," were not nominated for Oscars. Given your outrage in the past over such omissions as "Hoop Dreams" and "Roger & Me," how do you feel? (Susan…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (02/13/2000)

Q. Given that Ed Harris spends much of "The Third Miracle" looking for the titular third miracle, a remarkable feat that would guarantee Helen O'Regan sainthood, I find it extraordinary that he overlooks what seems to me to be her…