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Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (07/01/2001)

Q. I have noticed a shift in the marketing of the movie "A.I." What started out as a media blitz promoting the movie as almost "E.T. II"--another loving, touching, sci-fi Spielberg masterpiece--now seems to play up the film as dark…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (06/17/2001)

Q. John Travolta says in "Swordfish" that the front companies set up by the government had $400 million in the bank in the mid-80's, and "fifteen years later," it has grown to $9.5 billion. That's 24% interest compounded annually. Aren't…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (06/03/2001)

Q. Re "Pearl Harbor." The lines you quote from the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto are accurate. He was not sympathetic to the militarists like Tojo (he once pulled Tojo's chair out from under him!) and was opposed to war with the…

Festivals & Awards

Big bad distributors

CANNES, France--"Shoot the distributors." That was Alan Cumming's helpful suggestion as eight American directors debated the sorry sight of independent film distribution here Wednesday, at the annual American Directors Panel at the Variety Pavilion. The big studios monopolize thousands of…

Festivals & Awards

Pages from a Cannes diary

CANNES, France Euzhan Palcy strikes me as proof that great directors can come from anywhere but they must know they are directors, and trust that they are great. As a 10-year-old schoolgirl on the Caribbean island of Martinique, she made…