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50 greatest music films ever

Barbie as Karen in "Superstar." Maybe there should just be a category in the right column for "Lists." Here's one from the film and music writers of Time Out London (which will always be the only real Time Out) called…


"The Bridge": Legends of the Fall

This is the end. "The Bridge," Eric Steel's chilling masterpiece exploring the yawning chasm between life and death, between the steel suspension of the Golden Gate Bridge and the cold hard surface of the water below in San Francisco Bay,…


"Kite Runner" delayed to protect kids

View image "Kite Runner" director Marc Forster on location. "The Kite Runner," directed by Marc Forster ("Monster's Ball," "Finding Neverland," "Stranger Than Fiction") and based on Khaled Housseini's best-selling 2003 novel, opens the Chicago International Film Festival tonight. But the…


The new-er-est "Blade Runner"

View image This shot has always been there. Steven Boone over at The House Next Door has seen the latest -- er, "Final" -- cut of what may now, 25 years after its debut, be "Ridley Scott's" "Blade Runner," in…


Words and music

View image Movement, music & lyrics: Fred Astaire with George & Ira Gershwin. Over a wet, grey Seattle weekend, I immersed myself in Wilfred Sheed's delightful book about the architects of the American popular song, "The House That George Built:…


Bordwell & Thompson: Declaration of Principles

View image Or, maybe, a Notice of Recurrent Themes. Or The Bordwell Manifesto? No, David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson don't really call it a "Declaration of Principles." But, in recognition of their first blogiversary at on their invaluable blog, Observations…