Roger Ebert Home


Roger Ebert

M prove Darwin was right

I received this message on the blog, but it obviously fits no known topic. The author is something of a mystery: "R. Crutch," no city, no e-mail. But I felt it necessary to share with you. RE


My dog Frances (1999-2008)

Ms. Frances Bean Farmer Albert Sinatra Dog (above, 2007) saved my life every day, from her adoption (April 27, 1999; German Shepherd mix of unknown age, from Seattle Animal Shelter) to her death from various illnesses October 27, 2008. She…

Roger Ebert

Roger's little rule book

We critics can't be too careful. Employers are eager to replace us with Celeb Info-Nuggets that will pimp to the mouth-breathers, who underline the words with their index fingers whilst they watch television. Any editor who thinks drugged insta-stars and…


Dialogue as music

Couric and Palin, on piano. This is an ear-opening way to hear spoken words. As notes. I can think of so many movies in which the images play the orchestra (or band, depending on the kind of music the movie…

Roger Ebert

I think I'm musing my mind

Blind people develop a more acute sense of hearing. Deaf people can better notice events on the periphery, and comprehend the quick movements of lips and sign language. What about people who lose the ability to speak? We expand other…


Film 101: How to make a political ad

The latest in a series. Real politicians and comedians show you how to use simple word/image associations to create creepy political ads as seen on TV and the Internets!


Have the ads gotten subtler since 1964?

Still the same game in attack ads: associate the candidate with negative images (in this case, it's the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud -- wait, that wasn't all that long ago!). Word-association, no…