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Is Willy Wonka Wacko Jacko?

Is Michael Jackson one of the not-so-secret ingredients in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"? Critics overwhelmingly see it that way, even if Johnny Depp and many moviegoers don’t.


A jock, a champion, a movie star

Mark Zupan went home to Austin, Texas, for 14 hours on Saturday, to attend a buddy's wedding. That was his third weekend at home since April. The star of the documentary "Murderball" has been caught in such a whirlwind of…

Movie Answer Man

Attack of the alien robot tripods

Q. You may be on the wrong track with your objection to the three-legged aliens in "War of the Worlds," when you write, "Three legs are inherently not stable." Amateur carpenters are advised to build three-legged stools rather than four-legged…

Movie Answer Man

When darkness falls

Q. I just saw "Batman Begins" and thought it was OK. There were children at the show, however, and I felt sorry for them because the movie contained nothing that might appeal to 8 years and younger. Why have filmmakers…