In case you hadn’t noticed: Comments are working, and some good discussions have been started — annotations to particular Opening Shots and (especially stimulating) various reactions to my diatribes against the Slate writer who bashed “The Searchers” for his own anti-intellectual, anti-“film geek” reasons that have little or nothing to do with the movie. (And will somebody please respond to Kevin’s questions about the character of Debbie?) I’ve set it up so that the newest comments are at the top bottom — like the blog itself (or an e-mail thread). Let me know how that works for you.
I’ve got LOTS of Opening Shots contributions backed up, but not to worry: I plan to work through them for as long as it takes. Some people have written asking if it’s too late to submit something. Hell, no! It will never be too late. Even if everybody else stops sending them in, I’m going to continue indefinitely. This is an inexhaustible subject; I can’t imagine I’ll ever run out of opening shots to think about, write about, and savor.