I visited Annapolis in 1998, when I was attending the Naval Academy Prep School. You are aboslutely right, the Annapolis of this movie exists only in the director’s imagination. From reading your review, it seems like they can’t get the military ranks, jobs and uniforms down to save their lives. No one goes to see these movies that knows anything about the military.

If Lt. Cole is a Marine, why did I see him in the previews wearing the uniform of a USNA midshipman? Midshipmen are the students! James Franco is a student there! Also, Lt. Cole is not even wearing a
Marine uniform!!! There are Marine officers stationed there as company officers, and they wear their own uniforms. Marines have drill instructors, and they are all enlisted. No officer is a drill instructor. No company officer at USNA would be down where Cole is with the troops. That is the job of the upper class midshipmen. Remember,
they are training to be leaders.

Movies like these are junk. Now, as for the Brewster/Franco romance, that is the most realistic part of the ovie. That does happen a lot, although it is usually the woman who is lower ranking, and they use their feminine attributes to secure special treatment.

Hope this clears something up,

Jay Stang

Houston, TX

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

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