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Interview with William Friedkin

When he made his first movie, back in the mid-'60s, William Friedkin was such a foe of capital punishment, he took it as his subject. His documentary defended Paul Crump, a man on Death Row in Illinois. Friedkin didn't think…


Tim Robbins' detour on the campaign trail

CANNES, France -- His new album is "The Times, They Are A-Changin' Back." His hit single, launched with a video on MTV, is "They Complain and Complain and Complain." Bob Roberts is the folk-singing, populist right-wing senatorial candidate for Pennsylvania,…


Once again, a 'Player'

There is the temptation to write this article from the obvious angle, which is that Robert Altman, the perennial Hollywood maverick and outsider, has skewered the establishment with his savage new comedy named "The Player." There would be some truth…