Want to check out the latest work from the tremendously talented group of writers assembled at RogerEbert.com? Here is the complete list of current Twitter handles for the site’s various editors, critics and contributors. Click on each Twitter handle, and you will be sent directly to the writer’s official Twitter page, where you can click “Follow.”

RogerEbert.com: @ebertvoices

Roger Ebert: @ebertchicago

Chaz Ebert: @ChazEbert

Matt Zoller Seitz: @mattzollerseitz

Brian Tallerico: @Brian_Tallerico

Simon Abrams: @simonsaybrams

Odie Henderson: @odienator

Glenn Kenny: @Glenn__Kenny

Christy Lemire: @christylemire

Sheila O’Malley: @sheilakathleen

Peter Sobczynski: @petersob13

Susan Wloszczyna: @wozerina

Nick Allen: @nickallen_redux

Ali Arikan: @aliarikan

Steven Boone: @zero_commerce

Danny Bowes: @bybowes

Sean Burns: @SeanMBurns

Seongyong Cho: @kaist455

Olivia Collette: @Olivia_Collette

Edward Copeland: @edcopeland

Brian Doan: @BrianCDoan

Matt Fagerholm: @IndieOutlook

Sam Fragoso: @SamFragoso

Noah Gittell: @ReelChanger

Ian Grey: @iamiangrey

Scott Jordan Harris: @ScottFilmCritic

Wael Khairy: @waelkhairy88

Ben Kenigsberg: @benkenigsberg

Kevin B. Lee: @alsolikelife

Laya Maheshwari: @lazygarfield

Patrick Z. McGavin: @Pzready

Nell Minow: @moviemom

Michael Mirasol: @flipcritic

Jana Monji: @janamonji

Omer M. Mozaffar: @mozaffar

Michał Oleszczyk: @michaloleszczyk

Krishna Bala Shenoi: @krishnashenoi

Collin Souter: @collin_souter

Scout Tafoya: @Honors_Zombie

ReBecca Theodore-Vachon: @FilmFatale_NYC

Katherine Tulich: @KatherineTulich

Gerardo Valero: @gevalero

Pablo Villaça: @pablovillaca

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