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Matt Fagerholm

Matt Fagerholm

Matt Fagerholm is the former Literary Editor at and is a member of the Chicago Film Critics Association. He spent four years writing film reviews and interviews for and has contributed to a variety of publications including Time Out Chicago, The A.V. Club, No Film School, Cinema Femme and Magill's Cinema Annual. His writing/editing experience includes serving as Assistant A&E Editor at the Columbia Chronicle and a full-time writer interviewing such icons as Betty White, Ed Asner and Judy Collins at the Woodstock Independent. For nearly a decade, he served as a monthly guest on Vocalo radio's The Morning AMp program, and is also the founder of Indie Outlook, a blog and podcast featuring exclusive interviews with some of the most exciting voices in modern independent filmmaking. Follow him on Twitter at @IndieOutlook and @mattfagerholm.

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Papa: Hemingway in Cuba
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War Room

Thumbnails 1/30/15

The epic uncool of Philip Seymour Hoffman; How "Selma" got smeared; The fantasy fueling "Sniper"'s popularity; Paradise in Palm Springs; Looking back at "Before Sunrise."


Thumbnails 1/29/15

"The year of women" at Sundance; "Sniper" proves critics matter; Gene Hackman is still in charge; Kurosawa watches "Solaris" with Tarkovsky; Joel Grey comes out.


Thumbnails 1/26/15

"Selma" is more than fair to L.B.J.; "American Sniper" increases threat against Muslims; Struggle over Vivian Maier's photos; When racism can't be ignored; Johnny Depp was never a movie star.


Thumbnails 1/23/15

Chatting with Björk; Life and death in Senegal; Why "Life Itself" was snubbed; Disney rejects George Lucas; "American Sniper" is not war propaganda.


Thumbnails 1/22/15

Women taking action in Hollywood; Contrasting "Safe" and "Still Alice"; Bridge between love and lipstick; Adrià Julià on Rocky Ascending; What "American Sniper" says about America.


Thumbnails 1/19/15

The true tragedy of "American Sniper"; Can America handle the truth on race?; Collapse of the Catholic right; Films that raise accuracy questions; 8 Oscar-worthy performances by Julianne Moore.


Thumbnails 1/16/15

Open-office trend destroys workplace; Dark day for women in Hollywood; Matt Zoller Seitz on Wes Anderson; Hollywood absent from Oscars; Michael Phillips on "American Sniper."


Thumbnails 1/15/15

The female journey as an existential quest; Richard Pryor's Hollywood Bowl meltdown; Stop GamerGate; "Selma" is a horror movie; "Blackhat" scoring controversy.


Thumbnails 1/12/15

Selma responds to "Selma"; Clooney and red carpet culture; The best art that offends us; Hip-hop isn't a race relations cure-all; Enduring delights of "Duck Soup."