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Matt Fagerholm

Matt Fagerholm

Matt Fagerholm is the former Literary Editor at and is a member of the Chicago Film Critics Association. He spent four years writing film reviews and interviews for and has contributed to a variety of publications including Time Out Chicago, The A.V. Club, No Film School, Cinema Femme and Magill's Cinema Annual. His writing/editing experience includes serving as Assistant A&E Editor at the Columbia Chronicle and a full-time writer interviewing such icons as Betty White, Ed Asner and Judy Collins at the Woodstock Independent. For nearly a decade, he served as a monthly guest on Vocalo radio's The Morning AMp program, and is also the founder of Indie Outlook, a blog and podcast featuring exclusive interviews with some of the most exciting voices in modern independent filmmaking. Follow him on Twitter at @IndieOutlook and @mattfagerholm.

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My Art
My Happy Family
Human Flow
Rebel in the Rye
Bronx Gothic
The Skyjacker's Tale
American Anarchist
The Human Surge
Midsummer in Newtown
They Call Us Monsters
Coin Heist
Disturbing the Peace
Miss Sharon Jones!
Hooligan Sparrow
Lucha Mexico
Welcome to Happiness

Thumbnails 8/15/18

Austin Pendleton and Ann Whitney on "Calumet"; Keeping up with Hugh Grant; Score-only version of "The Last Jedi"; David and Lauren Hogg's new book; Problem with seeking the best for your kids.

Ebert Club

#334 August 7, 2018

Matt writes: On August 2nd, Chaz Ebert announced that is gender balancing its regular rotation of film critics. Nell Minow, Monica Castillo and Tomris Laffly join Sheila O’Malley and Christy Lemire to round out the website’s roster of female…

Ebert Club

#333 July 24, 2018

Matt writes: The 2018 Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal is screening many memorably eccentric features through August 1st, and Nick Allen has been there to cover it all for Check out his coverage of such enticing titles as…


Thumbnails 7/20/18

Why "Eighth Grade" Gets It Right; Olivier Assayas on "Cold Water"; Europe's rising nationalism; Michael Dinner on "L.A. Confidential"; Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote.

Ebert Club

#332 July 10, 2018

Matt writes: I just returned from covering the 53rd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic, where I saw some excellent films, and got the chance to meet many extraordinary people. The full table of contents contains links…