From Ken Lowery, Dallas, TX:
I thought I’d send in my wishes for Roger Ebert’s quick recovery. I know you’ve probably seen hundreds or thousands of these e-mails already, but every little bit means something in a situation like this.
I find myself oddly, personally afflicted by the news of the serious-but-stable condition. I’m 25 years old now, and have been following Mr. Ebert since I was about 13 years old — he is and always has been my favorite critic, and was the principle inspiration in my pursuing the career myself. I think his supremacy in my mind really locked into place when I found out he seemed to be the only other person on Earth who liked “Dark City” as much as I did. (And I was just as astonished as he was when Siskel picked “Babe 2” as his movie of the year that year.)
Well, enough self-centered groping for understanding. I know he has family and friends, all deeply afflicted by this situation in a much more personal fashion. My wishes and prayers go to them, and you, too. When he comes out of it, let him know — his life’s work has transformed at least one person into a lifelong film lover.