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Thumbnails 6/8/2013

The evolution of Superman's cape; the de-evolution of women's roles in film and TV; joke plagiarist sort-of apologizes for stealing from Patton Oswalt & other pros; David Cronenberg does race cars; Vince Vaughn, salesman; fans bring their Game of Thrones…


Thumbnails 6/7/2013

Slut shaming in geek culture; Rock Hudson's wife tape-recorded herself confronting her husband about his sexual orientation; how Michael Douglas used his own experience to flesh out Liberace; Carey Mulligan might play Hillary Clinton in a biopic; New Yorker cartoonists…


They had faces then: Mike Leigh's "Life is Sweet"

With its partly improvised dialogue and eruptions of argument, Mike Leigh's "Life is Sweet," now on Criterion DVD, gave viewers was insight into where the director had been, artistically. It also hinted at where he was going: into territory with…