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Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams is a native New Yorker and freelance film critic whose work has been featured in The New York TimesVanity FairThe Village Voice, and elsewhere.

Simon started his career as an arts critic in high school, writing comics reviews for The Comics Journal. He conducted the cover interview with writer Robert Kirkman in issue #289. After writing film reviews for The New York Press and Slant Magazine, Simon wrote film reviews for the Voice, contributing feature interviews and capsule reviews for six years. He's currently working on a couple of book projects, including a history of movie gore (with his Guillermo del Toro's Devil's Backbone co-author Matt Zoller Seitz).

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The Power
Funny Face
The Vault
The Truffle Hunters
The Vigil
Truth to Power
The Reckoning
Earwig and the Witch
PG: Psycho Goreman
Don't Tell a Soul
The Reason I Jump
Girl with No Mouth
What Lies Below
Buddy Games
Jiu Jitsu