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Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams is a native New Yorker and freelance film critic whose work has been featured in The New York TimesVanity FairThe Village Voice, and elsewhere.

Simon started his career as an arts critic in high school, writing comics reviews for The Comics Journal. He conducted the cover interview with writer Robert Kirkman in issue #289. After writing film reviews for The New York Press and Slant Magazine, Simon wrote film reviews for the Voice, contributing feature interviews and capsule reviews for six years. He's currently working on a couple of book projects, including a history of movie gore (with his Guillermo del Toro's Devil's Backbone co-author Matt Zoller Seitz).

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Point and Shoot
Dracula Untold
Inner Demons
20,000 Days on Earth
At the Devil's Door
But Always
As Above, So Below
The Purge: Anarchy
As It Is in Heaven
Deliver Us from Evil
Witching & Bitching
Ping Pong Summer
Rigor Mortis
Cold in July
Wolf Creek 2
Blood Glacier

This is Steve Coogan

Steve Coogan has a talent for self-laceration. His best roles are all about him, or rather a reflection of himself that he finds funny, in a pathetic sort of way.

Far Flungers

Chan-wook Park's Stoker: Young girl meets Oldboy

For better and worse, "Stoker," South Korean director Chan-wook Park's first film with an all English-speaking cast, is very much Park's baby. Park ("Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance," "Thirst") is most well-known for directing "Oldboy." In that now-famously bloody, operatic revenge…