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Sheila O'Malley

Sheila O'Malley

Sheila O'Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master's in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. Along with, her work has also appeared in Film Comment, The Dissolve, Masters of Cinema, Movie Mezzanine, Flavorwire, Capital New York, Fandor, Press Play, and Bright Wall/Dark Room.  She has contributed video and print essays for various releases from The Criterion Collection. O’Malley wrote the narration (read by Angelina Jolie) for the Governors Awards Lifetime Achievement tribute reel to legendary actress Gena Rowlands. O’Malley also wrote the narration for the Governors Awards tribute to editor Anne Coates’, played at the 2016 Governors Awards. O’Malley writes about actors, movies, and Elvis Presley at her personal site, The Sheila Variations. A short film she wrote, "July and Half of August,” premiered at the 2016 Albuquerque Film and Music Experience.

Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here.

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Write When You Get Work
The Long Dumb Road
Postcards from London
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Sentence
The Happy Prince
All About Nina
Nappily Ever After
A Simple Favor
City of Joy
Blue Iguana
We the Animals
Elizabeth Harvest
Hot Summer Nights
Eighth Grade
Leave No Trace
The King
Hearts Beat Loud
Ebert Club

#220 May 28, 2014

Sheila writes: I came across a funny video with human re-enactments of moments from Disney films that would seem totally creepy removed from the Disney context. I think my favorite is the Lion King moment, but there are some other…

Ebert Club

#218 May 14, 2014

Sheila writes: One of the Criterion Collection's recent releases is Billy Wilder's 1951 film "Ace in the Hole", starring Kirk Douglas in one of his best performances. It was Wilder's follow-up to "Sunset Boulevard," and the two films, taken together,…

Ebert Club

#217 May 7, 2014

Sheila writes: I was just having a conversation the other day with a friend about crows. She had had a professor in college who was fascinated by them and he passed that love on to her. She bombarded me with…

Ebert Club

#216 April 30, 2014

Sheila writes: The 16th annual Roger Ebert Film Festival was a huge success. To those Ebert Club members who sought me out to say Hello, or who came to the Meet and Greet, it was so nice to get a…

Ebert Club

#215 April 23, 2014

Sheila writes: Those of you attending Ebertfest, a note from Chaz:We will have our annual Ebert Club Meet and Greet at the Roger Ebert Film Festival, Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 8 am - 10 am in the Illini Union,…

Ebert Club

#214 April 16, 2014

Sheila writes: It was announced last week that the statue of Roger Ebert (created by artist Rick Harney) will be unveiled in a ceremony during the second day of Ebertfest, Thursday, April 24, at 12 p.m. The statue will live…

Ebert Club

#213 April 9, 2014

Sheila writes: Anyone with even a glancing familiarity with Roger Ebert's work will know how he felt about director Werner Herzog, the man and his films. Last week, Kevin Lee (critic, video essayist and Ebert friend and colleague), put together…

Ebert Club

#213 April 2, 2014

Sheila writes: Filmmaker IQ has put together a fascinating "15 minute history of the movie trailer", which takes us through the earliest trailers from the beginnings of show business up until the present day. It's so well done! Enjoy!