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Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert became film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times in 1967. He is the only film critic with a star on Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame and was named honorary life member of the Directors' Guild of America. He won the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Screenwriters' Guild, and honorary degrees from the American Film Institute and the University of Colorado at Boulder. Since 1989 he has hosted Ebertfest, a film festival at the Virginia Theater in Champaign-Urbana. From 1975 until 2006 he, Gene Siskel and Richard Roeper co-hosted a weekly movie review program on national TV. He was Lecturer on Film for the University of Chicago extension program from 1970 until 2006, and recorded shot-by-shot commentaries for the DVDs of "Citizen Kane," "Casablanca," "Floating Weeds" and "Dark City," and has written over 20 books.

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A Simple Life
The Bourne Legacy
Hope Springs
Killer Joe
Bill W.
Total Recall
The Babymakers
Step Up Revolution
El Velador
The Watch
Red Lights
Sleepless Night
Ruby Sparks
Farewell, My Queen
Take This Waltz
Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (09/21/1997)

Q. Just saw and enjoyed "In and Out" but couldn't listen fast enough during the funny Oscar scene. In addition to the Matt Dillon character, who were the other nominees for best actor, and what were their films names? (Susan…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (09/07/1997)

Q. In your review for "The Conspiracy Theory," you go into a long speculation about how the script was probably great to begin with, but got screwed up as they catered to the audiences. Another production injustice has taken place…