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Gone missin'

I'm taking my first week off this year! Plan to read and sleep and work in the garden and watch movies, but not write. Back October 10. Please keep up the comments discussions, though -- I'll still be publishing those.…


Loose Canon: Paul Schrader and the end of movies

Paul Schrader As you probably know by now, writer-director Paul Schrader (whose book "Transcendental Style in Film: Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer" I consider an indispensable part of my film library) has a hefty article in the current Film Comment in which…


Bordwell Does Vancouver

Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell at the 2006 Overlooked Film Festival. (photo by Jim Emerson) The Vancouver International Film Festival is now underway: 300+ films in 16 days (September 28 - October 13). Be sure to check out dispatches from…


A.O. Scott's perspective on NYFF

"The Queen": NYFF Friday, commercial theaters Saturday. In this morning's New York Times, A.O. Scott offers his "Critic's Notebook" view of where the NYFF fits into movie culture (at least in New York). Scott sees it as a showcase for…


NYFF? Fuggedaboutit!

What is the NYFF crowd going to make of "The Host"? NYFF! Huh! (Good gawd, y'all.) What is it good for? I laughed when I read Caryn James' tired and trivial "All the King's Men" piece in the New York…


The best American film of the last 25 years?

"Look in your heart!" Andy Horbal at No More Marriages! is asking for opinions: "What is the single best American fiction film made during the last 25 years?" My choice is just to the right... (If it was nonfiction, I'd…


That was the fest that was

An image from "The Host": It all depends on how you look at it. I kinda wish I'd had girish's Toronto. I saw some great stuff -- "Pan's Labyrinth" and "The Pervert's Guide to Cinema" being my favorites, and was…


White House: Jeff Gannon, yes; Borat, no

Foreign correspondent Borat extend invitation for Premier George Walter Bush at his White House. (Reuters photo) REUTERS reports: Secret Service agents turned away British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, in character as the boorish, anti-Semitic journalist, when he tried to invite…


Opening Shots: 'Little Murders'

View image Rise and shine... What do we have here? It's the opening shot of one of my favorite 1970s comedies, a dark absurdist urban paranoid masterpiece called "Little Murders" (1971) written by Jules Feiffer ("Carnal Knowledge") and directed by…