Roger Ebert Home



All about your parents

The Blocks on the block. Such a nice Jewish family. One of the highlights of my moviegoing experience at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival is about to become one of the best theatrical releases of 2006: Doug Block's "51…


Happy 300 million!

View image Sonja Sohn (left, with Dominic West as Detective McNulty, in "The Wire"): The future of America, I hope! The wee bundle of joy who raises the US population to an even 300 million (for a fraction of second…


'The Departed': Choppy craftsmanship?

View image Scorsese and Company: Leonardo Di Caprio, Scorsese, cinematographer Michael Ballhaus (with light meter around his neck), Jack Nicholson. (Others unidentified.) UPDATE: Revisiting "The Departed." A number of times while watching Martin Scorsese's "The Departed" I was distracted by…


Three new Ebert articles

We have three new pieces by Roger Ebert on this week: Ebert's review of "The Queen" An interview with director Michael Apted regarding "49 Up" PLUS: Roger's latest recovery update (And I have a review of "Infamous," the new…


Roger Ebert writes from rehab

As most of you know, Roger Ebert has been undergoing physical therapy in a rehabilitation facility in Chicago, and -- great news! -- is recovering well and has filed his first review since June (of Stephen Frears' "The Queen") for…


What do you think of 'The Departed'?

Everybody's saying "The Departed" is Martin Scorsese's best picture since "Casino" -- or even "GoodFellas." And some of the (over-)praise has struck me as pretty condescending to Scorsese: "Good boy. You stick to your mobsters now, won't you?" I'll go…


The Ultimate Review of "The Departed"

Bad, bad Jack, feasting on food and scenery. UPDATE: Revisiting "The Departed." Everybody's saying "The Departed" is Martin Scorsese's best picture since "Casino" -- or even "GoodFellas." And some of the (over-)praise has struck me as pretty condescending to Scorsese:…


Putting NYFF in its place

From "Syndromes and a Century." Manohla Dargis (one of my favorite critics) does a fine job of putting the New York Film Festival into perspective in today's New York Times. This is very much the kind of realistic historical and…


Study: 'Daily Show' as substantive as network news

Unbelievable? You bet! Here's your Fox News: See, on Bill O'Reilly's Nothing But Spin Zone, they simply turned Mark Foley into a Democrat, even though he's a Republican. Who cares about basic facts? Hey, the Fox slogan doesn't say anything…


GoodFellas and BadFellas

Who's the good guy and who's the bad guy? Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Departed." I have an essay over at MSN Movies on Martin Scorsese's morally conflicted characters -- in "Mean Streets," "Taxi Driver," "Raging Bull," "The…