Roger Ebert Home



Thumbnails 6/25/2013

The "accidental racism" of Paula Deen; Curtis Mayfield as musical journalist; Stephen Fry's ongoing struggle with depression; Rex Reed still thinks Melissa McCarthy is, oh, don't make us repeat it, just read it; why NBC newsman David Gregory is what's…


thumbnails 6/24/2013

The future of affirmative action; what it means to be "Pro-Putin"; Jaws the Revenge, re-shredded; James Gandolfini, cautionary tale; Isadora Duncan's forgotten art; getting to the bottom of that mysterious Mad Men poster; Roger and Gene rave about Star Wars…


Thumbnails 6/21/2013

The four basic aspects of being a bro; the rarely-seen sic-fi film High Treason, seen in Chicago; that darned Sopranos, with its infuriating cut-to-black ending; why internships don't lead anywhere; Mad Men sells sunny products, despairing drama.