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Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (04/08/2001)

Q. I'm dumbfounded by "Gladiator" winning the Oscar. I caught this amazing glitch in the first 10 minutes. The scene: The Germanic hordes, lumbering out of the winter woods to challenge the Roman legions, chanting a war song. The problem:…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (03/25/2001)

Q. The original trailer for "Series 7: The Contenders" was most disturbing. It seemed to be a serious movie about people killing each other as a game. Then I saw a different trailer. The tone had changed. Perhaps because I'd…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (03/08/2001)

Q. Everyone is up in arms over "Hannibal" getting an R instead of an NC-17. What about the PG-rated "See Spot Run," the most disgusting excuse for a "family" movie I've ever seen? You've no idea the sensation I got…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (02/25/2001)

Q. After seeing 'Hannibal's" extremely graphic violence, I wonder how the people who decide film ratings have an ounce of credibility left. When the film "Clerks" came out, it almost got an NC-17 rating due to language. Now we have…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (02/11/2001)

Q. In the movie "Cast Away," Tom Hanks leaves on his assignment overseas before the plane crashes. When he says goodbye to Helen Hunt on the tarmac, they trade Christmas presents in his Jeep. He walks away and returns with…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (12/31/2000)

Q. I am surprised that you were critical of Robert Zemeckis for giving away the plot to "Cast Away" in the trailer for the movie. While I share your disgust at this marketing tactic, Zemeckis is not doing anything different…