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Yeah, yeah, oh yeah...

I remember seeing this on "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour" (my favorite show for a while). I saw so much I broke my mind. And then, many years later...


Inception theories: Two key shots and others' thoughts

"If the career of Christopher Nolan is any indication, we've entered an era in which movies can no longer be great. They can only be awesome, which isn't nearly the same thing." -- Stephanie Zacharek on "Inception" Well, people certainly…


Inception: Has Christopher Nolan forgotten how to dream?

Boy, was I misinformed. I'd gotten the impression that Christopher Nolan's "Inception" was about dream states, but what this movie's facilely conceived CGI environments have to do with dreaming, as human beings experience dreams, I don't know. For what it's…


Notes on my homework: The Prestige and Signs

Knowing that the summer would bring new releases by two of today's most "controversial" (as Entertainment Weekly might put it) auteurs -- M. Night Shyamalan and Christopher Nolan (one with a critical reputation on a downward slide, the other on…


Inception: Block those reviews!

You know what I liked about the olden days when movie reviews were really and truly embargoed until opening day? First, I miss the civility of the arrangement: OK, studios, you're going to show us the movie when it's done…


Faces in the crowd: Here's looking at you, Nashville

For some reason I have the notion that the guy with the camera, getting the low-angle shots of Barbara Jean (Ronee Blakley) against that American flag that stretches across the Parthenon from sea to shining sea, is the cinematographer Paul…


Spam spam spam spam

It has come to my attention that the ol' spam filter has been a little hyperactive recently. I just went back over a couple hundred spam comments and released about a dozen legit ones from the Limbo of Spamitude. In…