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Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (08/09/1998)

Q. I'm confused by crucial details of "Saving Private Ryan," and it's driving me nuts. There are four key German soldiers throughout the film, and I'm not sure if they're all the same guy (warning--spoilers ahead!):

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (07/26/1998)

Q. Today, I read that a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" is shooting this summer with Gus Van Sant as the director and Anne Heche taking the Janet Leigh role and Vince Vaughn the Tony Perkins role. My first reaction…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (07/12/1998)

Q. While I can't fault you for overlooking a minor detail in a film as ridiculous as "Armageddon," the movie does answer your question about how the drillers were able to walk around normally despite the asteroid's puny gravity. It…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (06/28/1998)

Q. "The X Files" obviously took place in summer, as evidenced by the complaints about the heat in Dallas, the lack of overcoats in Washington, D.C., the corn crops, and the copious sweat in all locations. Therefore, the sun should…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (06/14/1998)

Q. My wife showed me your review of "The Truman Show," and I was crushed with chagrin to learn the movie is constructed to reveal its secret slowly to the viewer. I've already seen the "Truman Show" commercials revealing the…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (05/17/1998)

Q. The Amazing Kreskin is working on a "Millennium" book for release on January 1, 1999. He would like for you to provide insight into what could possibly lie ahead in the film world in the next millennium. (Tom Coyne,…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (04/19/1998)

Q. Why don't more movies offer us "credit cookies" over the closing credits to munch on? Out-takes, party scenes, blown dialog, scenery, something! They have a choice between blackness and something; why not use the more entertaining something? (Steven D.…

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (04/05/1998)

Q. When you were talking to Charlton Heston on TV as he arrived at the Oscars, you asked about the possibility that "Titanic" could beat "Ben Hur's" record for number of awards. He made a decent point: Any comparison between…